Sunday 18 October 2009

Initial Situation- The Typical geeky by introduce with his aunt and uncle.

Absentation- Mum and dad have been murdered in his early life.

Interdiction- The boy gets bitten by a radioactive spider.


Reconnaissance- The head of a big company tries to get people to invest in his invention.









1st Donor Function-

Hero's Reaction-

recipt Of Agent-

spaial Change-






Pursuit, Chase-


Unrecognized Arrival-

Unfounded Claims-

Difficult Task-







Think of filic examples for each of the above story abstracts and examples of fairy stories that also reflect the abstracts?

The quest :

A filmic example of this would be : Shrek
A fairy story example of this would be :

Redemption :

A filmic example of this would be :
A fairy story example of this would be :

Journey to another world :

A filmic example of this would be :
A fairy story example of this would be : Hercules

The beast transformed by love :

A filmic example of this would be : Frankenstien
A fairy story example of this would be : Beauty and the beast

The solving riddles :

A filmic example of this would be : Saw
A fairy story example of this would be :Alice in wonderland

The bitter bit :

A filmic example of this would be :
A fairy story example of this would be :

The starnger saviour :

A filmic example of this would be : Sleepy hollow
A fairy story example of this would be :

The rise and fall:

A filmic example of this would be : The rise and fall of the roan empire
A fairy story example of this would be :

Apply volger's theory to your three films used in the previous tasks

Kung fu panda

1. Ordinary world : panda works in a noodle bar unhappily with his father , but he still dreams about learning kung fu.

2. Call to adventure : He goes to the palace and accidentilly gets chosen to be the new dragon warrior.

3. Refusal of the call : He keeps telling everyone that there has been a mistake and he is not the dragon warrior.

4. Meeting the mentor : Because his trainer hates him he trains him in a cruel and difficult way.

5. Crossing the first threshold : After the other kung fu trainees begin to accept him he starts to feel more comfortable.

6 . Test , allies and enemies : The panda , his trainer and his master talk about the evil tiger who wants to be the dragon warrior.

7. Approach the inmost cave : After finding wah he loves , he uses that to help him train.

8. supreme ordeal : The panda is fully trained and is now ready to know the secret of the dragon warrior.

9. Reward : he gets the dragon scroll and finds out the ecret of the dragon scroll , even though its not what he wa expecting.

10. Road back : The evil tiger is on his way to fight the pander to get the scroll.

11. Ressurection : The panda trusts the dragon scroll and uses it to defeat the evil tiger.

12. Return with elixir : The town is safe , the pandas internal elixir is that now he knows kung fu and he saved the city.


1. Ordinary world : these three boys are the geeks of the school who nobody likes.

2.Call of adventure : One of the boys starts talking to a popular girl and gets invited to a cool party.

3.Refusal of the call : They are the only ones who can get alcohol for the party so they are very nervous about bying it because there under-age.

4.Meeting the mentor : One of the boys get arrested and gets taken around the city by two police.

5. Crossing the first threshold: After finding a sure way to get the alcohol they feel one step closer to going to the party.

6. Tests allies and enemies : They find a man who takes them to a party to get them booze , then a man tries to fight them because they danced with his fiancee.

7. Aproach to the inmost cave : After they man has a big fight with someone else thry run away with the alcohol.

8. Supreme ordeal : They run into the polic with there friend and they distract them, they take there friend and run away.

9. Reward; They get away witht thier friend and the alcohol

10. Road block : They incounter a drunk man who tries to stael there booze, but they get away with most of it.

11. Resurrection : They get to the party with the aclohol for all the other people

12. Return with elixir : It all ends just how they wanted , they all had a great party and ended up with the girls that they all wanted.

Saturday 17 October 2009

Using the same three texts as the last task use todorov's catergories to describe the narrative structure !

Number 1 : Superbad
Initial situation:
The losers of the school get invited to a cool party because they can buy alcohol for the other kids.
There only friend who can but the alcohol for them gets arrested.
They steal the alcohol , find there friend and make it to the party on time for the party.
Number 2 : Kung fu panda
Initial Situation:
A fat panda who is bassically useless gets chosen to be the great dragon warrior.
A evil tiger escapes prison to kill the panda and take the roll of being the dragon warrior.
They fight and the panda wins , he then becomes the dragon warrior.
Number 3 : I am legend
Initial situation:
This one man believes he is the only man left alive and uninfected in the whole world , he tries to find a cure.
he finds a thew more living people but they lead the infected to his house.
The man dies , but the other people find a whole new civilisation in a different part of the world.

Monday 12 October 2009

To what extent have the following two pictures gone through a process of mediation?

In this essay i will analyse these two pictures and by using ideology , Binary oppositions and semiotics i will talk about the true meaning of these two pictures.
The first picture has obviously been taken New York and it is of the statue of liberty wich is the symbol of freedom power and wealth .The skys are dark with thick clouds. This reminds me of of the day of the twin towers beings destroyed because that sky was also covered in thick black clouds. the building in the background and the sky is dark and depressing and the statue or liberty is like the shining light in a dark time.
The binary oppositions of this picture is light and dark because of the statue and sky,Tall and small because of the statue and the smaller buildings . I believe that this picture was ment to make the statue of liberty look like a shining light in a dark time , like an angel in the dark times. This picture gives me an idea of New york being destroyed like the tragic accident of 9.11.

The second picture was taken in america because of capital hill in the background, in this picture u can see the effects of 911 were planes were hijacked and driven into the deppartment of deffense wich resulted in the death of 189 innocent people. unlike the previous picture the weather does not affect this picture as much as it is a simple colour. I n the middle of this picture is a abandand builing wich is being destroyed by a crane wich tells us that this is not a natural disaster. Like the previous picture this picture tells a short story of destruction and greed.
thebinary oppositions on this pictures are natural disasters and man made disasters iknow this from the cran destroying the building ,religion and anarchy because the building being destroyed and the populated church in the background, diserted building and populated ones in the background.
This picture makes me think about destuction and money in a way.

Sunday 11 October 2009

Does media reflect society?

In this essay i will be giving my point of view on whether the media merely reflects society or is it a instrument in constructing it?

The media such as newspapers , magazines and television has always been the source of imfomation for everybody. For example We hear about what is happening in the world in the news and newspapers or facts and secrets about celebrities and thier lives in magazines and television. All media has a desired viewer such as magazines , They target the younger generation depending on the title of the magazine. In my opinion i believe magazines such as ok or heat rarely reflects society, more what the audience wants to hear n will catch thier attention , but media like newspaper or the television i think are more likely to use completely true stories because although thats the magazines jobs too, they seem to go to great lenghs to get the story where magazines are just gossip. Another form of media and advertiment is the internet , now the internet can be very uesfull but can also be a very decieving. I think the internet is by far the worst when it comes to the media as it is full of gossip and rumours that are untrue. I think because of all the sites such as Facebook, bebo, hotmail, myspace and twitter we have no time to use the internet for news but more for talking to our friends and socialising with them , i believe that is the reason the internet is not used for its true purpose. The most reliable i think is the news on television , as there are real storys about real people such as " orphans " and " victoms of a crime " wich do reflect society and how modern life is being lived.
A good example of wheather the media is reliable is micheal jackson , over the news we have all heard about his untimely death and his large funeral , what everyone dosent know is all the rumours about him , for example he is still alive!, that he was murdered or that his nose was stolen from the autopsy table!.
There are litterally hundreds of media theorists who all have different views on the media. One is Laura kipnis who focusses mainly on gender issues and popular culture , She believes that the media is not only sexist but a complete sham. Another theorist is john david ebert who is interested with celebrities in the media. Most of these theorists have got somthing against a type of media and how its presented in the world , i think they understand the fact that the media is becoming more and more unreliable each day.

I beleive that titles of articles have a huge responsibility of attracting readers, but most are sinister and one sided wich makes up our mind on the subject before even reading the article and therefore is not reflecting society but being used as an instrument to create it. All different magazines and newspapers have different titles and different points of view so that means that everyone reading papers or magazines will have different opinions and therefore dissagree with one another. Another way in wich the media constructs society is programmes such as "big brother" wich is by far the most popular television programme at this time. What your watching is "fake" people acting in a different way than they normally do to win the prize, what you think your watching is 10 people live thier life as they normally would live on television, but this is all a lie as they pretend to be someone they are not. big brother is not as real as it once was , over the years it has become more and more fake. I recall watching big brother for the first time and remember people being excited about watching a documentary if u like of human life n how it is lived in the privacy of home.

One argument is that the public are their own people, with their own choices . The society have the ability to choose to believe what they want even if the imformation they have been givin is completely false.
In conclusion i beleive that although the media does reflect society in a way it is pretty much entirely an instument used in constructing it. i mean if u look at the basic news wich wil be about celebrities and how there living there lives. thats not society thats just a big lie. What we think is society is actually just the lives of celebrities.

Wednesday 23 September 2009


My name is luke francis and i have chosen a level media as one of my three new subjects . I would describe myself as very hard working and a very easy learner. I got my six a-c in my GCSE and plan to continue my education to get my desired grades. I chose media because i am interested in all types of media and think that i would be good at it.

I also chose media because once u learnt the meanings of films and other media you look at them in a different way , u learn to appriciate them more.

Wednesday 9 September 2009

I Have just finished the book Aliens : Cauldren, and it is by far the best book i have read in a very long time. Its a Action packed , tense and terrifying story about how a group of alien eggs hatch and infect a large group of people .

This novel is written by Dianne Carey and was published june 17th 2007. This novel is one of many of Dianne's alien books. There is 36 in total , i have 12 .

Although this book is almost flawless it does drag , so if you dont mind the wait it is definately worth picking up.

3-D Fright!

The new Final Destination Film has been released on the 28th August and is the fourth Installment to the final destination film series and the first to be shot it H-D 3-D. It is a supernatural horror and is by far the best of the Quadrilogy.
I went to see this film with my friends and like the previous final destination films it gives phobias about pretty much everythink, for example i am never using a car wash again!.
Although i do think it is an amazing film there are some bad points about it , for example there is absolutely no story what so ever! its all random acts. Other than this small fault it is a great film and i do recommend it to anyone who enjoyed the first three movies .
heres a link to the official website , check out the trailers and reviews ....

Monday 10 August 2009

New Physiological thriller

The new Physiological thriller the Orphan has been a massive hit and has some of the greatest reveiws ever written about a Horror movie.
The plot is bassically A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.
The movie was released on the 7th of August and has already been nominated for the teen choice award.
I went to see this film up the cinema and i would personally recomend this film to anyone with an interest in horror or films with twists. It is by far the best film up the cinema at this time.
Watch the Trailer!

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Alan carrs Book

I have just finished reading Alan Carrs book look who it is , and i must sai i did not stop laughing the whole way through it. It was Brilliant!.
My Faviroute part of the book is were he talks about his psyco killer cat and how it used to attack all the local pets and children.

Saturday 1 August 2009

The King of Pop is Dead!

The king of pop Micheal jackson is dead!.On 29th of june the star suffered a fatal cardiac arrest and was rushed to hospital , Soon after he was declaired dead by the Hospital.
He will be laid to rest at the Forest-Lawn memorial park in Glendale on 29 August in a private ceremony for close friends and family.
Micheal Jackson sold over 750 million recordings and Around 750,000 tickets were sold for his "final curtain call". He is a big influence on music now days and will remain in peoples lives and hearts in the future.
I personally was a great fan of Micheal jacson and was deeply moved by his passing.He will always be my faviroute artist and will never stop listning to his great music
R.I.P Micheal Jacson.